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How to Plan a COVID Safe Event

September 22, 2020

With all of the uncertainties and unknowns about the coronavirus, planning a COVID safe event may seem like an insurmountable task. But as the situation stands now, planning just takes a different approach.

Event planners need to continually monitor the local COVID-19 threat level and, based upon that, determine whether to postpone or cancel a gathering. Beyond that, taking the following practical steps can help minimize risks and protect the health of everyone who attends or assists with an event.

Develop an Emergency Plan

The CDC recommends creating a plan to reduce the spread of coronavirus among event staff and attendees. Important issues to consider include:

  • How to encourage sick people to stay home
  • What supplies will be needed to prevent germs from spreading
  • Whether the refund policy needs to be more flexible
  • The advice of local public health officials
  • Who will be the contact person for all COVID-19 concerns 

Establish Clear Safety Rules

For the health and safety of everyone who works at or attends an event, create a list of rules that must be followed. Strategies to consider implementing include:

  • Frequent employee handwashing
  • Requiring staff and guests to wear masks
  • Mandated temperature screening
  • Having a firm ‘no handshake’ rule 

Ensure a Sanitary Environment

Keeping the event space sanitary is crucial to minimizing risks and preventing COVID-19 from spreading. To accomplish this, event planners should consider:

  • Setting up multiple hand sanitizer stations
  • Stocking up on disinfectant wipes, soap and paper towels
  • Using no-touch trash cans throughout the venue
  • Posting signs that offer instructions on sanitary practices 

Promote Social Distancing

Maintaining a distance of 6 feet between attendees is a smart strategy a COVID safe event. Planners may need to take several steps to promote social distancing, including:

  • Limiting the number of invited guests
  • Arranging the rental furniture to keep guests safely apart
  • Using stanchions, rental walls or partitions for crowd control
  • Placing floor clings to encourage attendees to stay 6 feet from one another

Keep Everyone Updated

Event guests and employees will want to be kept informed. Via email, social media, the event website or a smartphone app, event planners should:

  • Provide regular updates to show that the COVID-19 situation is being monitored
  • Share links to the most recent coronavirus information from local health officials
  • Supply details on the steps being taken to minimize everyone’s risk
  • Answer questions about how the gathering will proceed

If you’d like assistance in planning a COVID safe event, turn to the professional team at In the Event. We have decades of event planning experience, and we know how to minimize risks and develop strategies for safety during the coronavirus pandemic.

We offer free event design and production services with the rental of any products from our vast inventory – and that includes furniture, LED lighting and audio/visual equipment as well as custom signage, floor clings, personal protective equipment and installations that encourage social distancing. For more information on how we can help you plan a COVID safe event, head to our website or contact our office today.

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