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Experiential Events & How They’re A Foolproof Marketing Strategy

September 5, 2017

Getting your business in front of the eyeballs that matter is key to creating a brand, voice, and path to success for your company. Finding an efficient marketing plan has always had a way of holding up small and large businesses alike. Along with the rise in technology, marketing methods have evolved from television commercials and print mail to e-newsletters and Facebook posts. With so much change, it’s hard for many startups and companies to keep up with the trends while trying to make time for the finer details of running a business. That’s where experiential events come in. Throughout all of this change, live events have proven to be a valuable marketing strategy that has stood the test of time. Here are three reasons hosting a live event should be a part of propelling your company to success!

They’re Live

They’re a once in a lifetime, ‘have to see it to believe it’ experience for your guests.

In the marketing world, one of the few ways to achieve successful social engagement organically is with the “Live” feature on social platforms like Periscope, Facebook, and Instagram. This confirms what event planners and meeting planners have known for years: real-time experiences are the most efficient way to connect with your audience of clients and customers. In the digital world, your audience is accustomed to being on one side of the screen with you and your marketing efforts on the other. With experiential events, you’re surrounding the client and engaging all of their senses within the context of your brand. You can also get great feedback. Live events, if monitored efficiently, can be one of the best indicators of client satisfaction and provider of client data.

Pro tip: Learn more about engaging your audience with social media at your event with these tips from LIVESTRONG social media chair Lia Haberman! 


They’re Personable

Event Networking TipsHandshakes over automatic replies are essential to creating a loyal following. 

Sure you can sign your monthly newsletter with your CEO’s name, but nothing beats a handshake from the man himself when it comes to client acquisition and retention. When clients or potential customers feel that they’re receiving personal attention, the rates of loyalty and retention will soar. Live events overcome a major roadblock that often challenges digital marketers, which is to make supporters and followers feel like their needs and opinions are valued on an individual level. This can take years to master, but only takes an hour or two in an event venue to achieve.

Read more: We’re all about building loyalty with your client base. Click here to learn how to do it with a dance floor! 

Money Where It Counts

Contrary to popular belief, live events can save you money in marketing your brand to reach large audiences.  

With the rise of social media, the money you’re putting into an event is multiplied tenfold. Consider the other two points we’ve mentioned. It’s the perfect formula for molding your audience into amplifiers for your brand and message. Many people think of live events and experiential marketing as an alternative to your digital marketing efforts and budget, but we believe that they can be combined to form the perfect storm for jumps in engagement, reach, and brand recognition. If you’re approaching a marketing event with the appropriate budget and effective marketing strategy, you can rest assured that you’re making the most of your hard earned cash.

Want to know the best option for saving money at your experiential events? How does free event planning sound? If you’re renting anything from our inventory, you’ll get a professional event planner for your event absolutely free. So start planning your experience today with the event planners at In The Eventâ„¢!

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