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Live Stream Planning and Marketing Strategies

October 6, 2023

While events in the past were limited to physical collections of people, modern digital technology has changed this in a big way. Live streamed events were already gaining steam for several years before being thrust into the spotlight during the COVID pandemic, and they’re a continuously-growing area of popularity among various entities who are looking to throw events.

At In The Event, we’re here to help not only with event rentals and event planning for in-person events around Utah, but also with any kind of digital event you’re considering – live streams included. Whether you require our state-of-the-art production studio to design your stream or are just looking for our on-site support for a hybrid event, we’re here to assist you in any way required. This two-part blog series will go over a number of planning elements for a live streamed event, including everything you should know for your upcoming event.

Stream-Only or Hybrid Event?

One of the first major elements to be thinking about when planning a live streamed event is whether it will be only online or have an in-person component as well. There are plenty of benefits to both types, and the decision should be based on your specific goals for the event. Here are some important points to consider:

  • Audience: For streaming-only events, your audience is largely unlimited – anyone with internet access can tune in. Hybrid events, on the other hand, can either be exclusive to in-person attendees or allow for virtual attendees as well.
  • Cost: Streaming-only events tend to be cheaper than hybrid ones due to the lack of physical venue and resources needed. However, if your event requires a high level of production or has a large number of online attendees, the cost may even out between the two options.
  • Engagement: Hybrid events offer the opportunity for both in-person interaction and virtual engagement, making them a great option for creating an immersive experience. However, streaming-only events can also be highly engaging if done right – interactive elements such as polls and Q&A sessions can keep virtual attendees engaged throughout the event.

If you do choose to go with a hybrid event that includes a physical location, you should be reading our next section. If not, you can skip to the one below it.

Venue Selection Factors

If you’ve decided to go with a hybrid event, your venue selection will play a crucial role in ensuring its success. Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing the right location:

  • Size and Layout: You’ll want to make sure the venue has enough space for both physical attendees and production equipment, as well as appropriate seating arrangements for any presentations or activities.
  • Technology Capabilities: Check for internet access, audiovisual capabilities, and any necessary equipment for streaming and recording.
  • Safety Protocols: If hosting in-person attendees during the pandemic, make sure the venue has proper safety protocols in place to protect everyone’s health.
  • Accessibility: Consider the location of the venue and whether it is easily accessible for both physical attendees and virtual ones.

Defining Event Audience and Goals

No matter which sort of event you choose, clearly defining your target audience and goals is crucial for a successful live stream. Consider who your target demographic is and what their interests are, as well as the purpose of the event – whether it’s educational, promotional, or purely entertainment-focused. This will help guide your content decisions and ensure that your event resonates with attendees.

For instance, if you’re hosting a streaming-only event aimed at young professionals, you may want to incorporate more interactive elements and industry expert speakers rather than traditional presentations. Alternatively, if your hybrid event is promoting a new product or service, you can use the in-person component for product demonstrations while engaging virtual attendees with live Q&A sessions and giveaways.

Budget Considerations

As you’re formulating your event plan, it’s important to keep a close eye on your budget. With both streaming-only and hybrid events, there can be unexpected costs that come up, such as production equipment rentals, additional support staff, or venue last-minute changes. Make sure to have a contingency fund set aside in case of these situations and prioritize expenses for elements that align with your event goals.

In the next part of this series, we’ll delve into more specific event elements such as marketing, stream monetizing and more. For more on any of our event planning or event rental services around Utah, whether for in-person events or digital events of any kind, speak to our team at In The Event today.

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