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Avoiding Common Event Planning Mistakes

June 2, 2023

Event planning can be a fun and invigorating activity, but also one that involves some pressure. This may lead to a few common errors that are made during the event planning process – but it’s important to know that with the right basic attentiveness to detail, you can avoid these mistakes and plan a fantastic event while keeping your stress and hassle levels low.

At In The Event, we’re happy to offer a wide range of event planning services for clients around Utah, from corporate events to smaller events and everything in between – and we also offer comprehensive event rentals as well. Here are some common mistakes we’ve seen during the event planning process, plus how to steer clear of them and ensure your event goes off without a hitch.

Not Leaving Enough Time

Maybe the single most common mistake we’ve seen in event planning is not leaving enough time to start the process. From ordering materials and sending out invitations to researching vendors and finalizing details, there’s a lot that goes into a successful event – so it’s important to plan ahead and give yourself plenty of lead time before your event date.

How far in advance you begin planning will depend on a few factors such as the size of your event, what types of vendors you need to hire and so on. Generally speaking, it’s best to leave at least three months for planning a larger event – though for smaller events you can often get away with letting less time pass before the day arrives.

Failure to Coordinate and Confirm Budget

Another key element to successful event planning is coordinating and confirming the budget. This means setting a hard limit the beginning of the planning process, and then sticking to it – not only that, but making sure you keep track of every expenditure along the way. It’s also important to make sure every vendor involved is aware of your budget as well so they know what’s expected of them.

If you’re not doing this, it’s easy to get carried away with spending as the event approaches – and that can quickly lead to you going over budget, or not having enough money for the essentials. Be sure your budget is set early and that you’re accounting for expenditure so you don’t end up in a financial bind later on.

Improper Consideration of Contingencies or Changes

Whether within your budget or any other aspect of the event planning process, you also need to be prepared for any changes or contingencies that may arise. This means having a contingency plan in place ahead of time so you can quickly adapt to any situation that arises on the day of your event.

Having a backup plan is especially important when it comes to venues – if your original space falls through, it’s important that you have another one lined up so you don’t miss out on the opportunity to host your event.

Not Keeping a Basic Checklist and Plan

All the various details involved in event planning can get overwhelming, so it’s important to keep a basic checklist and plan in place. This means not only listing out objectives, tasks and goals but also assigning responsibilities for each task – so you know who is responsible for what and when it needs to be done by.

By having a clear plan of action, you can make sure that everything is taken care of in an organized and timely manner – which will help to make the entire event planning process much smoother.

Not Considering Certain Vendors Until It’s Too Late

One key area that needs to be considered well in advance is vendors. Depending on the type of your event, you may need a wide range of vendors – from caterers and entertainers to event decorators and photographers. Make sure you start researching early so that you can find quality vendors who can help make your event a success.

Transportation Issues

Another important element to consider when it comes to event planning is transportation. This is especially true if your guests are coming from out of town – you’ll want to make sure they have reliable, safe and affordable options for getting where they need to go.

Do research into local transportation companies and look into discounts or deals that may be available – what’s more, you’ll want to provide your guests with detailed instructions as to how to get from the airport/train station/wherever they’re coming from, to the event and back.

Not Getting Written (Or Digital) RSVPs

Finally, it’s important to make sure you are getting written (or digital) RSVPs from all your guests. This will not only ensure you have an accurate headcount for the event, but also give you a better idea of who is attending and if they need any special accommodations.

Getting written or digital RSVPs can help to eliminate the chance of any last-minute surprises and make sure your event is running as smoothly as planned.

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